When I came on the scene, I analyzed their monthly billings for the past three months. I found that their total average monthly billings for intralata services came to just under a whopping $11,000 per month, or a projected annualized billing of $130,000. Intralata recurring charges were about 63 percent of their total monthly telecommunications bill.
At our first meeting, I passed out a spreadsheet which detailed their current costs and compared them with the probable costs associated with my recom- mended solution.
Before we began to review the spreadsheet, I asked, “What do you see as your number one challenge?” Their answer? Customers complained that they got busy signals every time they called. Their second most important con- cern was that only one of their eleven sites had high-speed Internet access.
Five sites used dialup Internet access, but this service did not come close to what their customers and suppliers thought they should have. Also, when the sites that did have dialup were online, no one could call in through the POTS lines. You would think that for what these folks were paying they would have had the best telephony service and Internet access money could buy. Instead, they were spinning out of control, and they were ready to listen.
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